angular2 forms - Image validation. Minimum width. Angular 2 -

i'm trying write custom directive input image validation. validate image chosen have 'width' higher x value (300 in example).

        <input id="imagefile" minwidth="300" minheight="300" name="image" type="file" ngmodel #image="ngmodel">  <div *ngif="image.invalid">        <p *ngif="image.errors.width" >width should higher 300px!</p>  </div>
directive looks this:

import { directive, hostlistener, input } '@angular/core';  import { abstractcontrol, ng_validators, validator, validatorfn } '@angular/forms';    @directive({    selector: '[minwidth]',    providers: [{provide: ng_validators, useexisting: imageminwidthdirective, multi: true}]  })  export class imageminwidthdirective implements validator {    @input() minwidth: number;    private width = 0;    file: any;    image: any;    @hostlistener('change', ['$event']) onchange($event) {      const files = $ || $event.srcelement.files;      this.file = files[0];    }      validate(control: abstractcontrol): {[key: string]: any} {      return this.minwidth ? this.minwidthvalidator()(control)        : null;    }    minwidthvalidator(): validatorfn {      return (control: abstractcontrol): {[key: string]: any} => {        this.image = new image();        this.image.onload = event => {          this.width = event.path[0].width;          alert(this.image.width);        };          this.image.src = window.url.createobjecturl(this.file);        return this.width < this.minwidth ? {'width': {value: 'hello'}} : null;      };    }  }
problem converting file image async process, validator completed before convertation , reading image.width finished. result, have validation lag: when upload new image, validation done previous image. done in order provide working validation here?


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