javascript - How to bind ViewModel Store to View? -

i'm pretty new ext js , trying embed multiselect inside panel.

the viewmodel has stores property can see here:

ext.define('', {     extend: '',     alias: 'viewmodel.filter',     data: {       title: ''     },     stores: {       test: {           fields: [ 'id', 'name' ],           proxy: {               type: 'ajax',               url: 'api/test',               reader: 'array'           },           autoload: true       }     } }); 

i bind in view this:

viewmodel: {   type: 'filter' },   layout: 'fit', border: 1, plain: true, scrollable: 'y', layout: 'fit',   bind: {   title: '{title}', },   items: {   xtype: 'multiselect',   scrollable: false,   allowblank: true,   ddreorder: true,   bind: {     store: '{test}'   },   valuefield: 'id',   displayfield: 'name' } 

in case, store ends null though , no data loaded widget. instead of binding store though, if hardcode in view, works.

anyone see issue is?

you can pass empty object store additionally binding store, way initcomponent work, example:

{     xtype: 'multiselect',     fieldlabel: 'multiselect',     store: {},     bind: {         store: '{test}'     },     valuefield: 'id',     displayfield: 'name' } 

working example:


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