bookmarklet - How to get the source of a javascript bookmark from itself when running? -

i have bookmark that's javascript bookmark. example:


i'd able source of running javascript bookmark, within bookmark itself, in pseudocode:


which alert


how can this? prefer cross browser solutions, fine chrome specific solutions!

why interested in this? because i'm writing bookmarklet refers itself.

as location refers current page's url, , javascript bookmarks not change location, not possible in current browsers.

however, is possible want in javascript:

javascript:void function f(){alert(f.tostring())}() 

that alert following:

function f(){alert(f.tostring())} 

the tostring() method, when called on function, returns string representing source code of function (see


@sergeseredenko suggested use void.

when using immediately-invoked function expression, void can used force function keyword treated expression instead of declaration.


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