python - Selenium action chains to click inside silverlight plugin object in a page -

currently trying click button inside of silverlight web app, , yes know beforehand silverlight not supported think @ least worth try action chain module. here best come until now:

profile = firefoxprofile() profile.set_preference('plugin.default.state', 2) driver = webdriver.firefox(profile) driver.get('') time.sleep(8) sldiv = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//*[@id="silverlightcontrolhost"]') builder = actionchains(driver) builder.move_to_element_with_offset(sldiv, 372, 44) 

it not clicking, or @ least not in expected coordinates (where button is). away this? if so, able type text after clicking inside textbox?

  • do not mention silverlight-selenium outdated project


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