Enumeration behaviour understanding (Intro to App Development with Swift - Lesson 19) -

i'm new coding , finish "intro app development swift" ibook. in lesson 19, enumerations , switch and, @ page 8 of associated playground shows following code:

enum lunchchoice {     case pasta, burger, soup }  func cooklunch(_ choice: lunchchoice) -> string {     if choice == .pasta {         return "🍝"     } else if choice == .burger {         return "🍔"     } else if choice == .soup {         return "🍲"     }      return "erm... how did here?" }  cooklunch(.soup) 

per se, not problem me understand but, once call cooklunch(.soup), last return statement doesn't show up. exercise below ask me:

try change value passed in cooklunch final else statement called

and got stuck because seems impossible pass different cooklunch function other choices present in enumeration.

could me understand sense behind , maybe provide me solution?

your instructions "so final else statement called". soup return, not "how did here" return. say, 3 lunch choices , 3 if/else statements, 1 of them invoked. have add 4th lunch choice doesn't have corresponding if or else if in order "how did here" code execute.


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