How do I edit Sql Templates in VS 2013? -

the original question here based on misunderstanding, i'm modifying (there no answers original question). in previous versions of visual studio item templates sql items seemed move version version. having difficult time finding had been placed in vs 2013. default template t-sql stored procedures produces following (and wanted modify):

create procedure [dbo].[stored_procedure_name]     @param1 int = 0,     @param2 int     select @param1, @param2 return 0 

i want modify extensive according our standard in shop. couldn't figure out had put templates time.

so they?

after asking around shop developer of acquaintance found templates me. located here:

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\common7\ide\extensions\microsoft\sqldb\extensions\sqlserver\items 

mystery solved.


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