Mysql query violation - Java -

i have 2 attributes in table called surname , firstname. in application, have combobox displays first name , surname together.

but want update table using displayed name in combobox clause getting error query.

for instance;

in table

surname - overflow

firstname - stack

now, in combobox, displayed stack overflow , below query want update with.

string query = "update students set status = 1 surname,firstname=?"; pst.setstring(1, findperson.getselecteditem().tostring());

is right way concatenate surname , firstname in query?

if surname , firstname divided ' ' (space) following query should want.

string query = "update students set status = 1  concat_ws(' ',surname,firstname) = ?"; 

see more details.

pst.setstring(1, findperson.getselecteditem().tostring()); 


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