ARKit SceneKit Metal Integration -

i trying integrate creation of objects in arkit scenekit , metal. there objects can create senekit , others metal, i'd able use both side side.

for example creating arkit project scenekit template places space ship demo through scenekit nodes. on other hand using metal template creates cube in arkit tap using anchor.

how able use both in same project? creating cube through metal , spaceship scenekit, example.

another example, there mtkview want wrap object or layer on top of object in scenekit, , have other objects creating pbr in scenekit, want have these side side in arkit. if possible.

maybe this? :

i think this, if possible useful growing arkit community.


how able use both in same project?

you have choose wether want build app metal or scenekit, both have ups , downs. think there 2 approaches take:

  • use scenekit. since scenekit uses metal can enhance , change shaders or program. maybe start reading documentation using metal in scenekit. maybe can want in metal while still using scenekits abstractions possible.

  • use metal. if using metal in scenekit apple intended not enough have build in metal. load complex models can use apples modelio load 3d content metal.


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