sql - Database design & 3rd party integrations -

we're building application ecommerce owners can connect store different platforms (e.g. shopify, magento, woocommerce). in order import data these various platforms.

so have stores table. in there have data common platforms , data specific platforms.

i'm not sure here. should create specific tables contain platform-specific information or create columns store information empty stores other platforms?

what pros , cons? knowing need create tables new platforms integrate if go option 2.

you haven't said specific rdbms you're using, postgresql have option of foreign data wrappers. these let federate data other sources , apis application database , read , write foreign tables internal tables (assuming external apis allow modify data). approach, need make sure stores associated respective entries in foreign tables. developing fdws relatively easy multicorn.

if that's not option: using columns efficient query since information right there in store record. however, unwieldy depending on how of there is, , if have tenant multiple presences on 1 of external platforms -- weirder things have happened -- you're in trouble. , relational form makes adding , changing support external platforms easier since don't have lock entire tenants table add or remove columns.

the simpler approach may need start out with, it'd smart plan tables in end.


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