How to use composer, artisan ...(Laravel) php commands manually -

i have 1 problem have no ssh access server, cannot use php artisan, composer , other commands.
can quess nothing other modifying files or copying php src files specific directories.
in order understand process better , because of no access via ssh server looking tutroial, manual or article how can perform commands manually.
example need execute

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="tymon\jwtauth\providers\jwtauthserviceprovider"

what should in case, grate find document describes should manually same result.

laravel provides handy facade artisan commands.

just use artisan::call('your-command') need.


route::get('artisan-command/{command}', function($command) {     artisan::call($command); }); 

your url looks this:

more specific use-case:

route::get('vendor-publish/{provider}', function($provider) {     artisan::call('vendor:publish', ['provider' => $provider]); }); 

and url:\jwtauth\providers\jwtauthserviceprovider

reference: artisan console in laravel docs


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