.htaccess - Remove the profile.php?name=Username from url and replace with profile/Username -

i have problem php file. want make site , have url this


i have folders set this: domain.com/players/players.php?username=johndoe

inside main folder (domain.com/players/index.php) have search form posts players.php file want make able search player username

so -> remove /players.php?username=johndoe , change /players/johndoe user can view profile @ domain.com/players/johndoe

thank , sorry if bad question

something should trick,

<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c>  # turn on engine: rewriteengine on  # set base directory: rewritebase /username/  # redirect paths player.php: rewriterule ^(username)/?$ players.php?username=$1  </ifmodule> 

this htaccess file, have make sure mod_rewrite enabled on server's httpd.conf file.

hopefully gets going in right direction.


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