laravel 5 - How to perform only javascript onClick and not PHP action on submitting a form -

i making form through laravel in want accept future dates.i validating date via javascript , popping alert when past date entered problem after alert going form action url (that form submitted) if past date entered. want remain page itself. please help.

<html> <script type="text/javascript"> function func() {   var aa = document.getelementbyid('in').value;   var bb=new date();   var y=aa.slice(0,4);   var m=aa.slice(5,7);   var d=aa.slice(8,10);   if((y>=bb.getfullyear() && m>=(bb.getmonth()+1) && d>=bb.getdate())!=1) {     alert('enter future date');   } } </script>  <body>   <form action="/submitted" method="post">   <input id="in" type="date" name="sdate">   <input type="submit" onclick="func()"></form> </body> </html> 

use "return false;" after "alert();" command.

if((y>=bb.getfullyear() && m>=(bb.getmonth()+1) && d>=bb.getdate())!=1)   {       alert('enter future date');       return false;   } 


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