mongodb - What is mongoose actually opening here? -

i in beginning stages of learning mean stack.

i've created first node app, using mongoose , mongodb.

in node.js code, have following:


i can create documents , find them fine, however, i'm not entirely sure it's storing data?

app.get('/api/test', function (req, res) {     test.create({         name: "joe schmo"     }, function() {         test.find(function (err, tests) {             res.json(tests);         })     }); }) 

in mongo shell, if execute

use meantest1 db.test.find() 

it returns data entered in shell, nothing app.

can explain going on here?

also, there better app querying mongo shell??

mongoose automatically pluralizes collection names when register model. in case model name of test converted collection name of tests.

if want prevent pluralization, or need attach model existing collection that's not pluralized, may pass collection name third argument mongoose.model method:

mongoose.model('test', testschema, 'test'); 


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