javascript - Passing values in forms -

the values input through dropdown menu arent getting reflected in variables event1 , event2 when tried global declarations. how store value both variables , pass javascript? lot.

<!doctype html>  <html>    <head>    <title> correlation not imply causation </title>    <script type="text/javascript">  var event1,event2;  function main(e11,e22)  {event1=e11;  event2=e22;}      window.onload = function () {  var crimerain=[{x:1780330,y:42053.0},{x:1716120,y:51667.5 },{x: 1832015 ,y: 47647.5 },{x: 1822602 ,y: 51539.5 },{x: 1878293 ,y: 49135.3 },{x: 1989673 ,y: 52750.1 },{x: 2093379 ,y: 48508.1 },{x: 2121345 ,y: 42877.4 },{x: 2224831 ,y: 53483.1 },{x: 2325575 ,y: 49935.8 },{x: 2387188 ,y: 45813.1 },{x: 2647722 ,y: 53521.8 }];  var crimeexport=[{x:1780330,y:49},{x:1716120,y:59 },{x: 1832015 ,y: 77 },{x: 1822602 ,y: 100 },{x: 1878293 ,y: 122},{x: 1989673 ,y: 150 },{x: 2093379 ,y: 195 },{x: 2121345 ,y: 165 },{x: 2224831 ,y: 226 },{x: 2325575 ,y: 303},{x: 2387188 ,y: 297 },{x: 2647722 ,y: 312}];  var odsexport=[{x:50104.0,y:49},{x:88368.0,y:59 },{x: 52469.0 ,y: 77 },{x: 55293.0 ,y: 100 },{x: 53486.1 ,y: 122},{x: 51527.6 ,y: 150 },{x: 53118.9 ,y: 195 },{x: 58340.2,y: 165 },{x: 58905.7 ,y: 226 },{x:63154.44 ,y: 303},{x: 66217.62 ,y: 297 },{x: 63589.841 ,y: 312}];  var odsrain=[{x:50104.0,y:42053.0},{x:88368.0,y:51667.5 },{x: 52469.0 ,y: 47647.5 },{x: 55293.0,y: 51539.5 },{x: 53486.1,y: 49135.3 },{x:51527.6  ,y: 52750.1 },{x:53118.9  ,y: 48508.1 },{x: 58340.2,y: 42877.4 },{x:58905.7 ,y: 53483.1 },{x: 63154.44,y: 49935.8 },{x:66217.62  ,y: 45813.1 },{x: 63589.841 ,y: 53521.8 }];  var dps= [], xaxis, yaxis;  if (event1==1 && event2==1)        {dps=crimerain  	xaxis="cognizable crime rate"  	yaxis="rainfall(cm)"  	}  else if (event1==1 && event2==2)       { dps=crimeexport  	xaxis="cognizable crime rate"  	yaxis="export (goods) growth (us $billion)"}  else if (event1==2 && event2==1)        {dps=odsrain  	xaxis="production of ozone depleting substances"  	yaxis="rainfall(cm)"}  else if (event1==2 && event2==2)        {dps=odsexport   	xaxis="production of ozone depleting substances"  	yaxis="export (goods) growth (us $billion)"}  var chart = new canvasjs.chart("chartcontainer",      {       zoomenabled: true,      animationenabled: true,      axisx:{          title: xaxis,        valueformatstring:  "#",         },      axisy:{        title: yaxis,        valueformatstring:  "#"                         },      legend: {        verticalalign: "bottom",        horizontalalign: "left"        },      data: [      {        cursor: "pointer",              type: "scatter",       highlightenabled: true,        color: "#3b5998",       markerbordercolor : "white",  	markerborderthickness: 2,       legendtext: "each circle represents 1 year",       showinlegend: "true",       markertype: "circle",        markercolor: "#3b5998",         tooltipcontent: "<span style='\"'color:white;'\"'><strong>xaxis</strong></span> {x}<br/> <span style='\"'color: white;'\"'><strong>yaxis</strong></span> {y}",       datapoints:dps     }     ]   });    chart.render();  }  </script>  <script type="text/javascript" src="c:\users\rishika\downloads\canvasjs-1.7.0\canvasjs.min.js"></script>  <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>  </head>  <body bgcolor="#3b5998">  <div style="color:white; font-family: 'montserrat', sans-serif;"><center>  <p style="font-size:40px"><b><br/><br/><br/><br/>correlation not imply causation</b></p>  statistically determine relation between 2 random events  <br/><br/><br/>  <form>  <select style="color:white; width: 150px; height:40px; font-size:17px; font-family: 'montserrat', sans-serif; background-color:#3b5998; border:3px solid white;" name="event1">  <option id="e1" value="1">crime rate</option>  <option id="e1" value="2">ozone depletion</option>  </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;    <select style="color:white; width: 150px; height:40px; font-size:17px; font-family: 'montserrat', sans-serif; background-color:#3b5998; border:3px solid white;" name="event2">  <option id "e2" value="1">rainfall</option>  <option id="e2" value="2">export growth</option>  </select><br/><br/><br/>  <input style="color:white; width: 150px; height:40px; font-size:17px; font-family: 'montserrat', sans-serif; background-color:#3b5998; border:3px solid white;" type="submit" value="submit" onclick="func1(document.getelementbyname('event1').value,document.getelementbyname('event2').value)">  </form>  </p>      <div id="chartcontainer" style="height: 300px; width: 100%;">    </div>  </body>  </html>

you use document.getelementsbyname("event1")[0] 1 of <select> items. value of selected <option>:

var ele = document.getelementsbyname("event1")[0]; event1 = ele.options[ele.selectedindex].value; 

the same thing done event2.


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