xcode - Why Doesn't IOS Core BLuetooth Respect Communication Rate -

i writing core bluetooth app ios. connecting ti device custom firmware. firmware developer developed publish data 12 times second. using notify property data, seems grabbing data 30 times per second. causing power consumption, , specific reasons, can't pull @ own rate need pull @ rate of device publishing.

the firmware developer created windows application doesn't have problem without having hard coded read rate. on me find issue.
have recommendations?

for describing, on system swift side receiving notifications, there no control on rate your device using update specific characteristic.

but, devices may have command on own high level protocol set advertising interval. that's manufacturer. if think system advertising @ different rate windows app have mentioned, suggest take see if there initialization code app may doing when starts (thus setting rate). need windows app's source code, or @ least manufacturer's documentation device's protocol (if any).

also, sure updating rate when device connected windows app lower 1 experimenting when connected ios app? how measuring that?


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