c# - Many-to-One Mapping in NHibernate Not Working? -

i have following example persistent classes:

using nhibernate.mapping.attributes;  namespace gumidal.domain {     [class]     public class foo     {         [id(0)]         [generator(1, class="identity")]         public virtual int id { get; set; }          [property]         public virtual string name { get; set; }      }      [class]     public class bar     {         [id(0)]         [generator(1, class = "identity")]         public virtual int id { get; set; }           [manytoone(name="foo")]         public virtual foo foo { get; set; }     }  } 

serializing assembly creates following xml:

<!-- generated nhibernate.mapping.attributes on 2015-10-02 13:08:49z. --> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2">     <class name="example.domain.foo, exampleassembly">         <id>             <generator class="identity"/>         </id>         <property name="name"/>     </class>     <class name="example.domain.bar, exampleassembly">         <id>             <generator class="identity"/>         </id>         <many-to-one name="foo"/>     </class> </hibernate-mapping> 

but when try set configuration, exception following message , stack trace:

 not compile deserialized mapping document.  first chance exception of type 'nhibernate.mappingexception' occurred in nhibernate.dll    @ nhibernate.cfg.configuration.logandthrow(exception exception) in c:\projects\nhibernate-core\src\nhibernate\cfg\configuration.cs:line 344    @ nhibernate.cfg.configuration.adddeserializedmapping(hbmmapping mappingdocument, string documentfilename) in c:\projects\nhibernate-core\src\nhibernate\cfg\configuration.cs:line 532    @ nhibernate.cfg.configuration.addvalidateddocument(namedxmldocument doc) in c:\projects\nhibernate-core\src\nhibernate\cfg\configuration.cs:line 501    @ nhibernate.cfg.configuration.processmappingsqueue() in c:\projects\nhibernate-core\src\nhibernate\cfg\configuration.cs:line 1867    @ nhibernate.cfg.configuration.adddocumentthroughqueue(namedxmldocument document) in c:\projects\nhibernate-core\src\nhibernate\cfg\configuration.cs:line 1858    @ nhibernate.cfg.configuration.addxmlreader(xmlreader hbmreader, string name) in c:\projects\nhibernate-core\src\nhibernate\cfg\configuration.cs:line 1851    @ nhibernate.cfg.configuration.addinputstream(stream xmlinputstream, string name) in c:\projects\nhibernate-core\src\nhibernate\cfg\configuration.cs:line 640    @ nhibernate.cfg.configuration.addinputstream(stream xmlinputstream) in c:\projects\nhibernate-core\src\nhibernate\cfg\configuration.cs:line 614    @ example.domain.tests.setup() 

everything looks correct in xml me... ideas i'm missing?

the name="" attribute represents c# property. so, should use

// instead of <many-to-one name="foo_id"/> // need <many-to-one name="foo" column="foo_id"/> 

so, name of property foo not foo_id. guess need mapping this:

//[manytoone(name="foo_id")] [manytoone(column="foo_id")] public virtual foo foo { get; set; } 

with full stack exception easier, also, <id> element should have name:

<id name="id" column="foo_id"... 


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