text - Make td characters wrap even if string is unbroken? -

if have td long, unbroken string of text, how can make text start wrapping next line, character character reduce window width?

in fiddle, adjust output box width , it'll throw scrollbar, i'd text start wrapping, char char next line.


<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0">     <tr>           <td align="right">left td</td>         <td align="left">thisisawholebunchoftextiwanttowrapbasedonawidthevenifitdoesntbrea</td>     </tr> </table>  

you can use:

table {     table-layout: fixed; } td {     word-wrap:break-word } 

the jsfiddle - https://jsfiddle.net/sleaver/tld0g651/4/


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