MySql - using dynamic table names in one query -

i have following tables:


  • id
  • name
  • color


  • id
  • name
  • number_of_gearshift

i need central index table of tables in mysql database , unique id them. this:


  • id
  • table_name

lets say, id in items-table same in corresponding table:


id | table_name  1 | cars  2 | cars  3 | bicycles  4 | cars 


id | name        | color  1 | peugeot     | red  2 | bmw         | green    4 | nissan      | blue 


id | name      | number_of_gearshift  3 | stevens   | 24 

my question - following situation: have id (for example xxx) of item. want data of item, 1 query. (i know, not work):

select table2.* (select table_name items id = xxx) table2 

is possible?

use can use dynamic sql query achieve this.

set @query = null; set @id = 3;/*change according requirement*/ set @tn := (select `table_name` items id =  @id);  set @query = concat('select * ',@tn,' id = ',@id);  prepare stmt @query; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; 

change value of @id according requirement.

sql fiddle


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