c++ - Simple app to know if Notepad++ is running -

i have simple application 1 button know if notepadd++ open. have review topics cannot find right one. inside button method have:

private: system::void button1_click(system::object^  sender, system::eventargs^  e) {     mutex = createmutex( null, true, "local\\$notepad++$");     if (getlasterror() == error_already_exists) {         //messagebox::show(..[not open]..);     }     //messagebox::show(..[open]..); } }; 

i have problem "local\$notepad++$", errors:

argument of type "const char *" incompatible parameter of type "lpcwstr" 

and other:

'handle createmutexw(lpsecurity_attributes,bool,lpcwstr)': cannot convert argument 3 'const char [18]' 'lpcwstr' 

if there easier way please me! have try changing name to: notepad++. using visual studio 2015 c++

i have review , use reference:

c/c++ how tell if program running?

is using mutex prevent multiple instances of same program running safe?

#include "windows.h" /*...*/ lpcstr app_name = "notepad++: free (gnu) source code editor"; if (findwindowa(0, app_name)) {     // it's open! } else {     // it's not open! } 

for method, put * before quotes

createmutex( null, true, *"local\\$notepad++$"); 


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