c++ - OpenCV minimum upright bounding rect of a RotatedRect -

i'm trying determin minimum bouding rect of rotated rectangle. tried couple of samples this rotatedrect reference or this tutorial ellipses , bounding boxes. nothing satisfactory results. on image bellow, yellow rectangle desired result.

example data test:

image:     width: 1500     height: 843  rotatedrect:     center:         x: 783.490417         y: 433.673492     size:         width: 810.946899         height: 841.796997     angle: 95.4092407 

sample code:

cv::rotatedrect r(cv::point2f(783.490417, 433.673492),      cv::size2f(810.946899, 841.796997),      95.4092407);  cv::mat img = mat::zeros(843, 1500, cv_8uc3);  cv::rect rect  = r.boundingrect(); cv::ellipse(img, r, cv::scalar(0, 0, 255)); // red  point2f vertices[4]; r.points(vertices);  (int = 0; < 4; i++)     line(img, vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4], scalar(0, 255, 0)); // green  rectangle(img, rect, scalar(255, 0, 0)); // blue cv::imshow("result", img); 
  • red - rotatedrect min bouding rect calculated
  • blue - r.boundingrect()
  • green - r.points()
  • yellow - desired result

![test , desired result

i think here can find function doing desired result.

#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp" #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"   using namespace cv;  int main( int argc, char**) {     rotatedrect r ;     r.center =  cv::point2f(783.490417, 433.673492);     r.angle = 95.4092407;     r.size = cv::size2f(810.946899, 841.796997);      cv::mat img = mat::zeros(843, 1500, cv_8uc3);      cv::rect rect  = r.boundingrect();     cv::ellipse(img, r, cv::scalar(0, 0, 255)); // red      point2f vertices[4];     r.points(vertices);      (int = 0; < 4; i++)         line(img, vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4], scalar(0, 255, 0)); // green      rectangle(img, rect, scalar(255, 0, 0)); // blue       float degree = r.angle*3.1415/180;     float majoraxe = r.size.width/2;     float minoraxe = r.size.height/2;     float x = r.center.x;     float y = r.center.y;     float c_degree = cos(degree);     float s_degree = sin(degree);     float t1 = atan(-(majoraxe*s_degree)/(minoraxe*c_degree));     float c_t1 = cos(t1);     float s_t1 = sin(t1);     float w1 = majoraxe*c_t1*c_degree;     float w2 = minoraxe*s_t1*s_degree;     float maxx = x + w1-w2;     float minx = x - w1+w2;      t1 = atan((minoraxe*c_degree)/(majoraxe*s_degree));     c_t1 = cos(t1);     s_t1 = sin(t1);     w1 = minoraxe*s_t1*c_degree;     w2 = majoraxe*c_t1*s_degree;     float maxy = y + w1+w2;     float miny = y - w1-w2;     if (miny > maxy)     {         float temp = miny;         miny = maxy;         maxy = temp;     }     if (minx > maxx)     {         float temp = minx;         minx = maxx;         maxx = temp;     }     rect yellowrect(minx,miny,maxx-minx+1,maxy-miny+1);      rectangle(img, yellowrect, scalar(0, 255, 255)); // yellow     cv::imshow("result", img);     waitkey(); } 


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