how can vba excel give a maximum value in a certain code -

i have vba code:

private sub vérification1_click()  = 4 1295     sheets("poteauxw").range("c57").value = sheets("efforts poteauxw").cells(i, 6)     sheets("poteauxw").range("d57").value = sheets("efforts poteauxw").cells(i, 13)     sheets("poteauxw").range("e57").value = sheets("efforts poteauxw").cells(i, 8)      if sheets("poteauxw").range("h57") = "ng"         msgbox "ng on " &         exit sub     end if next msgbox "ok"  end sub 

how can add option code gives me maximum value of cell sheets("poteauxw").range("u57") while goes through values?

private sub vérification1_click()  maxu57=sheets("poteauxw").range("u57") maxrow=0 = 4 1295   sheets("poteauxw").range("c57").value =     sheets("efforts poteauxw").cells(i, 6)    sheets("poteauxw").range("d57").value =    sheets("efforts poteauxw").cells(i, 13)    sheets("poteauxw").range("e57").value = sheets("efforts poteauxw").cells(i, 8)    if maxu57<sheets("poteauxw").range("u57").value     maxu57=sheets("poteauxw").range("u57").value     maxrow=i   end if   if sheets("poteauxw").range("h57") = "ng"      msgbox "ng on " & & " max u57=" & maxu57 & " found row="&i     exit sub    end if  next  msgbox "ok" & " max u57=" & maxu57 & " found row="&i end sub 


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