python - incrementing key,value pair inside for loop iterating over dictionary -

how can increment key value pair inside loop while iterating on dictionary in python?

for key,value in mydict.iteritems():      if condition:         #inc key,value     #something 

i have tried using next(mydict.iteritems()) , mydict.iteritems().next() in vain.

i using python2.7.

edit - know forloop automatically increments key,value pair. want manually increment next pair ( resulting in 2 increments). can't use continue because want both key value pair accessible @ same time. when increment, have current key value pair next. if use continue, lose access current , next key,value pair.

do mean this?

mydict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}  items = mydict.iteritems() key,value in items:     if key == 'b':  # condition         try:             key,value = next(items)         except stopiteration:             break     print(key, value) 


('a', 1) ('c', 3) 


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