angularjs - Android apps stopped working with newest versions of PhoneGap Build -

i use phonegap convert angularjs app android , ios. need upgrade latest version of phonegap ios 9, breaks android app.

specifically, stops ngresource working, can't authentication token server.

android works fine config.xml preference set

<preference name="phonegap-version" value="3.7.0" /> 

android fails send request server either of these

<preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-5.1.1" /> <preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-5.2.0" /> 

here angularjs login function , ngresource factory.

$scope.login = function () {     authenticationservice.get({             'clientid':$rootscope.clientid,             'clientsecret':$rootscope.clientsecret,             'username':$scope.logindata.username,             'password':$scope.logindata.password         },         function(data){},         function(error){             toastr.error('authentication failed, please try again.');         }     )     .$promise.then(function(response){        ...     }); };   .factory( 'authenticationservice', function($resource, $rootscope) {     return $resource(         $rootscope.url+'/oauth/v2/token?client_id=:clientid&client_secret=:clientsecret&grant_type=password&username=:username&password=:password',         {             clientid:'@clientid',             clientsecret:'@clientsecret',             username:'@username',             password:'@password'         },         {             get: { method: 'jsonp', params: { callback: 'json_callback' }, isarray: false }         }     ); }) 

does know has changed in newer versions of phonegap android cause this?

please add whitelist plugin reference inside config.xml

<gap:plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" source="npm" /> 


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