jquery - Javascript and mobile fuctionality. Intermitant issues -

i have small javascript setup mobile menu. on width media query, menu moves side position. behavior on mobile devices, doenst occur in mobile emulation websites on computer.

the issue when click same menu item twice in row, menu disappears. have lip phone horizontal , reload page, work again.

heres site: my site

var jpanelmenu = {};     $(function() {       $('pre').each(function(i, e) {         hljs.highlightblock(e)       });        jpanelmenu = $.jpanelmenu({         menu: 'ul.sf-menu',         animated: false,         keyboardshortcuts: true       });       jpanelmenu.on();        $(document).on('click', jpanelmenu.menu + ' li a', function(e) {         if (jpanelmenu.isopen() && $(e.target).attr('href').substring(0, 1) == '#') {           jpanelmenu.close();         }       });        $(document).on('touchend', '.menu-trigger', function(e) {         jpanelmenu.triggermenu();         e.preventdefault();         return false;       });        // removes superfish styles       $('#jpanelmenu-menu').removeclass('sf-menu');       $('#jpanelmenu-menu li ul').removeattr('style');      }); 

curious if issue .removeclass or other conlfict on page. let me know if should paste css values also.


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