amazon ec2 - Kubernetes cluster - use of EC2 instance storage for pods -

  1. i starting ec2 test cluster of 3-minions of type 'm3.large'
  2. want use 32g ssd storage available on these machine pod running on
  3. want use using 'hostpath' mount portion of storage pod available life of minions

however issue majority of storage allocated "/mnt/ephemeral/docker" not available on host 'hostpath' use. on minion looks like

          $ df -h           filesystem                            size  used avail use% mounted on           udev                                  3.7g     0  3.7g   0% /dev           tmpfs                                 748m   75m  674m  10% /run           /dev/xvda1                            7.8g  2.0g  5.5g  27% /           tmpfs                                 3.7g  828k  3.7g   1% /dev/shm           tmpfs                                 5.0m     0  5.0m   0% /run/lock           tmpfs                                 3.7g     0  3.7g   0% /sys/fs/cgroup           /dev/mapper/vg--ephemeral-docker       30g  5.0g   23g  18% /mnt/ephemeral/docker           /dev/mapper/vg--ephemeral-kubernetes  1.4g  1.4g     0 100% /mnt/ephemeral/kubernetes           tmpfs                                 748m     0  748m   0% /run/user/1000 

here 30g allocated "/mnt/ephemeral/docker" , available in docker container transient storage. understand ebs volumes persistent store, ssd/ephemeral storage persistent life of ec2 instance , can used needs data store cassandra pod running in kubernetes

the main issue not being able use instance storage within pods instance persistence storage.

  1. configuring 'emptydir' in pod uses 1.4g '/mnt/ephemeral/kubernetes' , fills quickly

        volumes:          - name: data          -  emptydir: {} 
  2. configuring 'hostpath' in pod uses 7.8g '/' , fills quickly

        volumes:          - name: data          -  hostpath:              path: /cassandra_data 

major chunk of instance storage 30g allocated '/mnt/ephemeral/docker' , not avilable kubernates pods instance persistent storage. best way use (kubernetes volumes) ssd storage comes built-in ec2 instances.

there's discussion on i'm going mark answered.


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