laravel - Merge received data from API with data from database -

i have method in laravel application:

private function mergesurveyswithcases($surveys){          foreach($surveys $survey ){              $surveyid  = $survey->survey->id;         $casesurvey = $this->surveysrepository->findoneby(['survey' => $surveyid]);         $caseid = $casesurvey->getcase()->getid();         $firstcontant = $this->caserepository->getfirstcontactbycase($caseid);         $survey->casedata = ["caseid" => $caseid,                              "firstcontact" => $firstcontant         ];         }         return $surveys;     } 

as can see argument of method $surveys. json response array of surveys api. every survey has form below:

{     "hash": "8537f99bb4166da9f74f02ebb70907cf",     "sending_date": "2017-08-23t08:32:37+02:00",     "expiration_date": "2018-02-23t08:32:37+01:00",     "created_at": "2017-08-23t08:32:37+02:00",     "trans_id": "10-550\r\n",     "id": 18,     "status": {         "name": "new",         "id": 1     },     "base_survey": {         "name": "base survey test 1",         "created_at": "2017-07-25t10:08:18+02:00",         "creator_trans_id": "10-615",         "date_start": "2017-07-25t00:00:00+02:00",         "expiration_int": 6,         "expiration_string": "months",         "survey_prefix": "psi",         "welcome_message": "test1",         "expiration_message": "test2",         "id": 1,         "template": {             "path": "/template_ssi_1/",             "name": "ssi",             "id": 1         }     } }  

in application have relational table connect objects wchich called cases object surveys. show below entities table:

<?php namespace app\http\entities\cic; use doctrine\orm\mapping orm; /**  *  * @orm\entity  * @orm\table(name="cic_case_survey")  */ class ciccasesurvey {     /**      * @orm\id      * @orm\generatedvalue      * @orm\column(type="integer")      */     protected $id;      /**      *      * @orm\onetoone(targetentity="ciccase", cascade={"all"})      * @orm\joincolumn(name="case_id", referencedcolumnname="id")      *      */     protected $case;      /**      *      * @orm\column(name="survey_id", type = "integer")      *      */     protected $survey;      /**      * @return mixed      */      /**      * @orm\column(type="datetime")      * @var datetime      */     protected $created_at;      /**      * @orm\column(type="datetime")      * @var datetime      */     protected $updated_at;      public function getcreatedat() {         return $this->created_at;     }      public function setcreatedat() {         $this->created_at = carbon::now();     }      public function getupdatedat() {         return $this->updated_at;     }      public function setupdatedat() {         $this->updated_at = carbon::now();     }      public function getsurvey()     {         return $this->survey;     }      /**      * @param mixed $survey      */     public function setsurvey($survey)     {         $this->survey = $survey;     }      public function getcase()     {         return $this->case;     }      /**      * @param mixed $case      */     public function setcase($case)     {         $this->case = $case;     }       /**      * @return mixed      */     public function getid()     {         return $this->id;     }      /**      * @param mixed $id      */     public function setid($id)     {         $this->id = $id;     }  } 

after response api i'm trying connect based on table cic_case_survey

data cases data in surveys obejcts. can see method mergesurveyswithcases i've done merging in loop use findoneby method every connection case data(case id , firstcontact) survey data. in opinion solution not optimal. think work bad lot of data. perhaps know better solution of merging objects? grateful best regards ;)

so, in case task should decribed "deserialize entity json array". than, maybe should make of third-party serializer library of work you. use jmsserializer: depends on doctrine annotations - need add annotations metadata on entities , provide deserialized entity type serializer work. can more details here:


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