sqlcmd - How to execute SQL in a PowerShell script as part of a Visual Studio Team Services build task? -

how execute sql against azure sql database part of powershell script in vsts build task in hosted agent?

there many tasks available build definitions: can execute powershell script

enter image description here

or deploy sql using dacpac or sqlcmd

enter image description here

or execute powershell on remote machines

enter image description here

but how execute sql part of powershell script? invoke-sqlcmd isn't available part of 'azure powershell' task.

i guess possible remote desktop app service, install sql server related bits there , use 'powershell on target machines' feel there has simpler way - perhaps i'm missing obvious

you can use azure sql database deployment task, there sql script file , inline sql script types.

enter image description here

note: can use hosted agent, not hosted vs 2017 agent.


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