c++ - Cocos2dx v.3.0 Portrait Mode -
hey developing cocos2dx application xcode , iphone 5c , looking change coordinate system portrait. looked @ these directions http://www.cocos2d-x.org/wiki/device_orientation. according direction, need change couple of methods in rootviewcontroller before cocos magic, ios has handled rotating container.
now applicable methods of rootviewcontroller.mm follows. builds , runs.
#ifdef __iphone_6_0 - (nsuinteger) supportedinterfaceorientations{ return uiinterfaceorientationmaskportrait; } #endif - (bool) shouldautorotate { return yes; } - (bool)shouldautorotatetointerfaceorientation:(uiinterfaceorientation)interfaceorientation { return uiinterfaceorientationisportrait ( interfaceorientation ); } - (void)didrotatefrominterfaceorientation:(uiinterfaceorientation)frominterfaceorientation { [super didrotatefrominterfaceorientation:frominterfaceorientation]; auto glview = cocos2d::director::getinstance()->getopenglview(); if (glview) { cceaglview *eaglview = (__bridge cceaglview *)glview->geteaglview(); if (eaglview) { cgsize s = cgsizemake([eaglview getwidth], [eaglview getheight]); cocos2d::application::getinstance()->applicationscreensizechanged((int) s.width, (int) s.height); } } } @end
the code init() method of level looks this
bool level1::init() { ////////////////////////////// // 1. super init first if ( !scene::init() ) { return false; } auto visiblesize = director::getinstance()->getvisiblesize(); vec2 origin = director::getinstance()->getvisibleorigin(); for(int i= 0; < max_touches; ++i) { labeltouchlocations[i] = label::createwithsystemfont("", "arial", 42); labeltouchlocations[i]->setvisible(false); this->addchild(labeltouchlocations[i]); } auto eventlistener = eventlistenertouchallatonce::create(); // create eventlistener handle multiple touches, using lambda, cause baby, it's c++11 eventlistener->ontouchesbegan = [=](const std::vector<touch*>&touches, event* event){ // clear visible touches in case there less fingers touching last time std::for_each(labeltouchlocations,labeltouchlocations+max_touches,[](label* touchlabel){ touchlabel->setvisible(false); }); // each touch in touches vector, set label display @ it's location , make visible for(int = 0; < touches.size(); ++i){ labeltouchlocations[i]->setposition(touches[i]->getlocation()); labeltouchlocations[i]->setvisible(true); labeltouchlocations[i]->setstring("touched"); std::cout << "(" << touches[i]->getlocation().x << "," << touches[i]->getlocation().y << ")" << std::endl; } }; _eventdispatcher->addeventlistenerwithscenegraphpriority(eventlistener, this); return true; }
when touch point @ lowest left part of iphone, x coordinate of touch point print out 150. y coordinate 0, expected. why x coordinate not zero? there missing in creation of scene? believe made changes cocos documentation requires. docs out of date?
the coordinate system not start @ (0,0) @ bottom left suggested documentation. however, there simple methods can used origin , size of container included in default scene.
auto visiblesize = director::getinstance()->getvisiblesize(); vec2 origin = director::getinstance()->getvisibleorigin();
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