mvc - Ajax calling Area Controller -

i trying call controller ajax,but getting

failed load resource: server responded status of 404 ()

the ajax calling admin view admin controller.i can view admin page, unable call getall() , getallusers() ajax or other method.

in startup

app.usemvc(routes =>         {              routes.maproute("arearoute",template:"{area:exists}/{controller=admin}/{action=index}/{id?}");              routes.maproute(                 name: "default",                 template: "{controller=home}/{action=index}/{id?}");         }); 

in admincontroller

namespace project.areas.admin.controllers { [area("admin")]  [authorize(policy = "adminonly")] public class admincontroller : controller {      public iactionresult index()     {         return view();     }     public admincontroller()     {      }     [httpget("getall/{page}")]     public iactionresult getall(int? page)     {      }     [httpget("getallusers/{page}")]     public iactionresult getallusers(int? page)     {      } } 



@section scripts{  @await html.partialasync("_validationscriptspartial") <script>     $(function () {         $.ajax({             type: "get",             url: "/admin/getall",                             traditional: true,             success: function (view) {                 $("result").html(view)              }         });          $.ajax({             type: "get",             url: "/admin/getallusers",             traditional: true,             success: function (view) {                 $("userresult").html(view)              }         });     });  </script> 



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