bash - Perform `tell` action on Unix executable in macOS? -

i'm building myself launcher qemu, managing command line became bit tiresome. far working, , think ready use soon. however, there 1 issue, minor inconvenience albeit, 1 become aggravating on time:

when click launch button nsbutton calls applescript via nstask, , runs nsapplication.shared.mainwindow?.terminate(self), closing launcher. inside applescript settings loaded few files , parameters used launch qemu via do script tell terminal. bit bodged, job fine. isn't problem, rather when qemu boots window on bottom layer , must clicked focus on it.

i know can bring app front telling activate in applescript, seems work .app bundles, specifying qemu-system-i386 or qemu (the window's title) application opens window asking me browse bundle. not allow me specify qemu binary in /opt/local/bin. need way bring window spawned command line program front programatically.

the dev environment macos 10.12.6. suggestions appreciated, prefer if limited applescript, automator or bash oriented methods. danke!

update: adding .app extension allows me interact executable though app bundle, prefer not have make copy of every qemu executable. there way via alias?


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