javascript - Firebase: Get userdata obj and bring back the user profile without page refresh? -

it's been 2 days i'm trying achieve need refresh page if want user profile db. there way without page refresh? need use sort of jquery ajax achieve it? possible?

here 2 method, they're working need page refresh before bring user profile.

 function authdatacallback(authdata) {   if (authdata) {     var fb = new firebase('');     fb.child(authdata.uid).on('value', function(data) {       var mydata = data.val();       var datestring =' ').slice(0, 4).join(' ');       $('.profile').append('<li>username: ' + mydata.username + '</li>');       $('.profile').append('<li>joined: ' + datestring + '</li>');     });     var fb = new firebase('');     fb.child(authdata.uid).on('value', function(data) {       var mydata = data.val();       $('.profile').append('<li>email: ' + + '</li>');     });   } else {     console.log('profile: no data, no 1 logged in');   } } fb.onauth(authdatacallback); 


var fb = new firebase(''); var getauth = fb.getauth();  function getprofile(authdata) {   if (authdata) {     var fb = new firebase('');     fb.child(authdata.uid).on('value', function(data) {       var mydata = data.val();       var datestring =' ').slice(0, 4).join(' ');       $('.profile').append('<li>username: ' + mydata.username + '</li>');       $('.profile').append('<li>joined: ' + datestring + '</li>');     });     var fb = new firebase('');     fb.child(authdata.uid).on('value', function(data) {       var mydata = data.val();       $('.profile').append('<li>email: ' + + '</li>');     });   } else {     console.log('profile: no data, no 1 logged in');   } } getprofile(getauth); 

db rules:

{   "rules":    {     "users":      {       "public":        {          // allow me list users name         ".read": true ,         ".write": true       },        "private":        {         "$uid":          {           // readable owner           ".read": "auth.uid === $uid",           ".write": true         }       }     }      } } 

both onauth , getauth return null when not authenticated. fix login/function call sequence.


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