javascript - get value from radio button once checked to tally up final score -

i making multiple choice quiz radio buttons , want value form radio button once checked , give final score @ end. example "1 out of 5 correct".


>   >     $(document).ready(function() {  >       var counter = 0;  >       var score = 0;  >   >   >       var quizquestions = [{  >         question: "in year america founded ?",  >         choices: ["1775", "1776", "1801", "1492"],  >         answer: 1  >       }, {  >         question: "who did not sign declaration of independence ?",  >         choices: ["george wasington", "ben franklin", "john hancock", "thomas jefferson"],  >         answer: 0  >       }, {  >         question: "who president serve more 2 terms?",  >         choices: ["george washington", "woodrow wilson", "franklin delano roosevelt", "james madison"],  >         answer: 2  >       }, {  >         question: "in year did america land on moon ?",  >         choices: ["1969", "1965", "1970", "1968"],  >         answer: 0  >       }, {  >         question: "which country did america buy louisiana purchase ?",  >         choices: ["england", "spain", "germany", "france"],  >         answer: 3  >       }]  >   >       $("#start").click(function() {  >         $("#start").hide()  >         $("#next").show()  >       })  >   >       $("#next").on("click", function() {  >   >         $(".choices, .questions").empty();  >   >         function incrementcounter() {  >           $("#count").text(counter);  >         };  >   >         $(".questions").append("<h2>" + quizquestions[counter].question + "</h2>")  >   >         (var = 0; < quizquestions[counter].choices.length; += 1) {  >           $(".choices").append("<ul>" + "<input type='radio'/>" + quizquestions[counter].choices[i] + "</ul>")  >         }  >   >         incrementcounter();  >         counter++  >   >       })  >   >   >     });  >   > 
>   >     body {  >       background-image: url("../img/american-flag.jpg");  >       background-repeat: no-repeat;  >       background-size: 100% 100%;  >     }  >     html,  >     body {  >       min-height: 100%;  >     }  >     .quiz-app {  >       position: relative;  >       width: 400px;  >       height: 400px;  >       background-color: white;  >       border-style: solid;  >       margin: 0 auto;  >       top: 200px;  >       text-align: center;  >     }  >     h1 {  >       color: orange;  >     }  >     #start {  >       margin-top: 70px;  >       width: 70px;  >       border-radius: 5px;  >       bottom: 150px;  >     }  >     #next {  >       display: none;  >       margin-top: 70px;  >       width: 70px;  >       border-radius: 5px;  >       bottom: 150px;  >     }  >     .questions {  >       text-align: center;  >       margin-left: 25px;  >       margin: 0 auto;  >       bottom: 120px;  >       color: red;  >     }  >     .choices {  >       display: block;  >       bottom: 100px;  >     }  >     #count {  >       width: 50px;  >       height: 20px;  >       text-align: bottom;  >     }  >   > 
>   >     <!doctype html>  >     <html>  >   >     <head>  >       <meta charset="utf-8">  >       <title>quiz time</title>  >       <script type="text/javascript" src=""  > charset="utf-8"></script>  >       <script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>  >       <script src="js/jquery-1.11.3.js"></script>  >       <script src="js/app.js"></script>  >       <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css">  >     </head>  >   >     <body>  >       <!--______________________________________________________begin app-->  >       <div class="quiz-app">  >         <h1 class="title">history quiz</h1>  >   >         <div class="questions"></div>  >   >         <div class="choices">  >         </div>  >   >         <button id="start">start</button>  >         <button id="next">next</button>  >         <span id="count"></span>  >       </div>  >   >     </body>  >     <!--______________________________________________________end app-->  >   >     </html>  >   > 

is looking for?

$(".choices input:radio").on("click", function () {     alert('test'); }); 


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