Can I no longer use App Engine default service account as an Email API authorized sender for my Python App Engine project? -

i have app engine python application i'd send occasional automated email.

in past, different application, able set default service account (e.g. authorized email api sender on app engine settings page:

now, when add service account email , push "save" button, pop-up notification says "saving settings..." nothing.

i got default service account value iam & admin page:

i have added app engine roles app engine default service account member.

note: able make personal email account owns project authorized sender , send emails. prefer send api emails app engine service account.

so apparently overcomplicating this. in older project, had project's default app engine service account added authorized sender described in question. seems neither necessary or longer possible.

to send emails using app engine mail api app engine project account, set sender value in code address formatted so:

for example:

mail.send_mail(sender='',                to='',                subject='app engine mail api test',                body='please not reply.') 

this stated correctly in the app engine documentation:

who can send mail

for security purposes, sender address of message must 1 of following:

  • the gmail or google apps account of user signed in
  • any email address of form anything@[app_name] or anything@[app_alias]
  • any email address listed in cloud platform console under email api authorized senders


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