python - Error getting trigrams using gemsim's Phrases -

i want extract bigrams , trigrams of given sentences.

from gensim.models import phrases documents = ["the mayor of new york there", "human computer interaction great , new subject", "machine learning can useful sometimes","new york mayor present", "i love machine learning because new subject area", "human computer interaction helps people user friendly applications"]  sentence_stream = [doc.split(" ") doc in documents] bigram = phrases(sentence_stream, min_count=1, threshold=2, delimiter=b' ') trigram = phrases(bigram(sentence_stream, min_count=1, threshold=2, delimiter=b' '))  sent in sentence_stream:     #print(sent)     bigrams_ = bigram[sent]     trigrams_ = trigram[bigrams_]      print(bigrams_)     print(trigrams_) 

the code works fine bigrams , capture 'new york' , 'machine learning' ad bigrams.

however, following error when try insert trigrams.

typeerror: 'phrases' object not callable 

please let me know, how correct code.

i following example documentation of gensim.

according docs, can do:

from gensim.models.phrases import phraser   phrases = phrases(sentence_stream) bigram = phraser(p) trigram = phrases(bigram[sentence_stream]) 

bigram, being phrases object, cannot called again, doing so.


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