python - Pandas Item to features matrix in to item-item matrix -

i have binary matrix have following structure

df = pd.dataframe({"col1": [0,1,0,1,1],                 "col2": [1,0,1,0,0],"col3": [1,1,1,0,1],"col4": [1,0,0,1,0]},index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']) 

this current df enter image description here

and applying similarity measure(jaccard distance) each row , want have type of item-item matrix end(the intersections values should comes jaccard function\not actual values used here). final outcome should this.

   b  c  d  e 0  3  2  1  1 b    0  1  2  3  c       0  1  4 d          0  2  e             0  

i have jaccard similarity function defined jaccard() want know how apply df can have type of representation matrix end. thank you!


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