recursion - Finding the max number with Divide and Conquer in Java -

i'm trying find maximum number in array using divide , conquer method(recursion). when compile code, i'm getting arrayindexoutofbounds exception.

i'm not sure i'm going wrong. here code snippet:

public class ... {   int[] = {2,4,5,1,6,7,9,3};   int max;    public void solution() {     max = findmax(0, a.length-1);     //print max   }    private int findmax(int a, int b){         if(b-a == 1){         return a[a]>a[b] ? a[a] : a[b];     }     else if(a==b){         return a[a];     }      return findmax(findmax(a, (a+b)/2), findmax((a+b)/2 +1, b));   }  } 

the problem in last line:

return findmax(findmax(a, (a+b)/2), findmax((a+b)/2 +1, b)); 

this use results of findmax() methods arguments findmax() call, means used indexes array. give wrong result or cause arrayindexoutofboundsexception.

what want return maximum of 2 findmax() calls:

return math.max(findmax(a, (a+b)/2), findmax((a+b)/2 + 1, b)); 


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