javascript - How to bind Array from angular $scope to the input -

i have array in $scope, say

$scope.my_array = ["val_1", "val_2", "val_3"] 

to bind array input element, used ng-model:

<input type="text" ng-model="my_array"> 

now want display array values comma separated in input box, nothing displays. possible?

in ng-repeat, iterating values, array available view.

edited: thanks, normal way working array binding. in case first using empty array:

$scope.my_array = [] 

then, on ng-click function, grabbing data-* attribute clicked element , pushing array:

var item = $(".some-class").data("field-type"); $scope.my_array.push(item) 

iterating on working fine, not working while setting input.

look @ topic two-way filtering explained in details: how two-way filtering in angular.js? in brief should use ngmodels' $parsers , $formatters collection able make .join(", ") before setting input , make .split(/, */) before setting value model.


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