c# - Cascading Dropdown in Javascript and can't get them in CodeBehind -

i have code in javascript cascading dropdown problem can't access data in codebehind in c# web.

this code in javascript:

function collegedepartment() {     var s1 = document.getelementbyid("college");     var s2 = document.getelementbyid("department");     s2.innerhtml = "";     if (s1.value == "college of engineering") {         var optionarray = ["civil engineering", "computer engineering", "electrical engineering", "electronics , communication engineering", "industrial engineering", "mechanical engineering"];     } else if (s1.value == "cas") {         var optionarray = ["political science", "mascomm", "liacomm"];     } else if (s1.value == "commerce") {         var optionarray = ["business ad", "hotel management", "tourism"];     } else if (s1.value == "education") {         var optionarray = ["sped"];     } else if (s1.value == "cicct") {         var optionarray = ["computer science", "information technology"];     }      (var option in optionarray) {         var newoption = document.createelement("option");         newoption.value = optionarray[option];         newoption.innerhtml = optionarray[option];         s2.options.add(newoption);     } }; 

and have code in aspx:

<div class="form-group">   <select class="form-control" name="college" id="college" runat="server" oninput="collegedepartment()" style="width:300px;">     <option selected>select college</option>     <option value="college of engineering">college of engineering</option>     <option value="cas">colpxlege of arts , science</option>     <option value="commerce">college of commerce</option>     <option value="education">college of education</option>     <option value="cicct">cicct</option>   </select> </div>  <div class="form-group">   <select id="department" name="department" class="form-control" runat="server" placeholder="department" style="width:300px;">     <option value="department" selected>select department</option>   </select> </div> 

how can access dynamic value of dropdown?


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