In R XML Xpath, @href is returning the text "href" -

i trying contents of href using xpath code described in these two posts. unfortunately code returning actual text "href" , several spaces in addition url. how can avoid that?

library(xml)  html <- readlines("") html.parse <- htmlparse(html) node <- getnodeset(html.parse, "//div[@id='msu-top-utilities']//a/@href") node[[1]]  # > node[[1]] #                  href  # "students/index.html"  # attr(,"class") # [1] "xmlattributevalue" 

it's named character vector. can do:


which give

## [1] "students/index.html" 

alternately, here's better idiom in xml2 package:

library(xml2)  doc <- read_html("") nodes <- xml_find_all(doc, "//div[@id='msu-top-utilities']//a") xml_attr(nodes, "href")  ## [1] "students/index.html"      "faculty-staff/index.html" "alumni/index.html"        ## [4] "businesses/index.html"    "visitors/index.html"    


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