csv - How to extract data from NetCDF file using C# and Microsoft Scientific Data Set? -

i trying extract data netcdf file using microsoft's scientific data set libraries (sds). i'm restricted using ms sds , c#. i'm not programmer trade i'm struggling basics working. begin i'd write simple script extract data , write .csv file. using introduction doc , codeplex tutorials. i've tried write simple c# console app reads file , writes out console or ideally .csv file.

using sds 1.3 command line can view contents of test file:

d:\netcdf>sds list test.nc [2] acpr of type single (time:85) (south_north:213) (west_east:165) [1] times of type sbyte (time:85) (datestrlen:19) d:\netcdf> 

my script looks this:

using system; using system.io; using sds = microsoft.research.science.data; using microsoft.research.science.data.imperative;   namespace netcdfconsoleapp {     class program     {         static void main(string[] args)         {             /// gets path netcdf file used data source.             var dataset = sds.dataset.open("d:\\netcdf\\test.nc?openmode=readonly");              sbyte[,] times = dataset.getdata<sbyte[,]>("times");             //int32[,] times = dataset.getdata<int32[,]>("times");              //single[] longitudes = dataset.getdata<single[]>("west_east");             //var latitudes = dataset.getdata<single[]>("south_north");             single[,,] datavalues = dataset.getdata<single[,,]>("acpr");              (int itime = 50; itime < 60; itime++)             {                 (int ilongitude = 130; ilongitude < 150; ilongitude++)                  {                     (int ilatitude = 130; ilatitude < 140; ilatitude++)                     {                         // write output data                         float thisvalue = datavalues[itime,ilatitude,ilongitude];                          console.writeline(itime);                         console.writeline(ilatitude);                         console.writeline(ilongitude);                         console.writeline(thisvalue);                      }                  }             }         }     } }  

if comment out var times... line runs. i'm struggling sds read time dimension. if use sbyte complains variable doesn't exist. if use int32 complains converting string.

system.invalidoperationexception unhandled   hresult=-2146233079   message=requested variable not exist in data set   source=scientificdataset   stacktrace:        @ microsoft.research.science.data.imperative.datasetextensions.findvariable(dataset dataset, func`2 predicate)        @ microsoft.research.science.data.imperative.datasetextensions.getdata[d](dataset dataset, string variablename)        @ netcdfconsoleapp.program.main(string[] args) in \\gdc-fs01\user$\prm\visual studio 2015\projects\netcdfconsoleapp\program.cs:line 16        @ system.appdomain._nexecuteassembly(runtimeassembly assembly, string[] args)        @ system.appdomain.executeassembly(string assemblyfile, evidence assemblysecurity, string[] args)        @ microsoft.visualstudio.hostingprocess.hostproc.runusersassembly()        @ system.threading.executioncontext.runinternal(executioncontext executioncontext, contextcallback callback, object state, boolean preservesyncctx)        @ system.threading.executioncontext.run(executioncontext executioncontext, contextcallback callback, object state, boolean preservesyncctx)        @ system.threading.executioncontext.run(executioncontext executioncontext, contextcallback callback, object state)        @ system.threading.threadhelper.threadstart()   innerexception:  

what missing?

i think have solved puzzle. problem 2nd variable empty. i'm not sure if accident or design.

i have found date of when data supposed start in meta data field. i've modified code retrieves this, , writes console.

using system; using system.io; using sds = microsoft.research.science.data; using microsoft.research.science.data.imperative;   namespace netcdfconsoleapp {     class program     {         static void main(string[] args)         {             /// gets path netcdf file used data source.             var dataset = sds.dataset.open("d:\\netcdf\\test.nc?openmode=readonly");              string dt = (string)dataset.metadata["start_date"];              single[,,] datavalues = dataset.getdata<single[,,]>("acpr");              (int itime = 50; itime < 60; itime++)             {                 (int ilongitude = 130; ilongitude < 150; ilongitude++)                 {                     (int ilatitude = 130; ilatitude < 140; ilatitude++)                     {                         // write output data                         float thisvalue = datavalues[itime,ilatitude,ilongitude];                                                                         console.writeline(dt.tostring() + ',' + itime.tostring() + ',' + ilatitude.tostring() + ',' + ilongitude.tostring() + ',' + thisvalue.tostring());                      }                                  }             }                         console.readline();         }                } }              

i've struggled i'm sharing in hope of use else.

one thing found useful discussion tab on codeplex has lots of useful code snippets.


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