javascript - Editing a html file within another html with GitHub -

i have chat bot queues songs in array , plays them 1 after another.

my question is, best way display song list?

i have github repository acting web host domain.

homepage of website

would edit ul element in songlist.html

song list displayed on

since github not execute server-side code, have find way edit element in html file.

anyone mind giving hint, or @ least point me in right direction?

you can use jekyll, included part of github pages.

in root of repository, add folder called _includes. put file want access in there (let's include-me.html). in html page, add 6 dashes top of html file so:

--- ---  html... 

then in can include file so:

{% include include-me.html %} 

p.s. question not clear, hope interpreted right.


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