How to run Haskell on OSX El Capitan -

i upgraded mac osx el capitan yesterday, finding method used run haskell on terminal not work anymore.

i used run haskell on terminal typingcd (the path .hs file in), type ghci, , type :l (.hs file name)

but told me -bash: ghci: command not found when typing ghci.

so how run haskell on el capitan? not familiar computer , learning algorithms fun, please avoid technical terms , give me clear steps follow.

(i don't know wether helps or not, found links, suggests there no need reinstall whole platform, don't know how download , run executable file attached github.)

haskell used install /usr/bin, incompatible new security features in el capitan. el capitan installer removed in /usr/bin doesn't belong there.

the new haskell installer in your link provides alternative correctly installs normal /usr/local/bin path. can use it. here instructions:

  1. download the installer.
  2. right-click , select "open".
  3. select "open" again in dialog box.

if don't want reinstall whole haskell platform, can run the script same post, e.g. following command:

curl -fssl | sh 


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