Trouble with Account Linking (Actions on Google) -

i've implemented implicit flow authorization , followed directions on docs account linking, when redirect url google, get:

'accounts failed link. please close browser , try again'

my authorization url is:

and redirect after authorization through app, is:

when test on playground get:

enter image description here

is correct req/response should getting?

i getting "start test failed" when try test app on simulator.

could problem user directed login screen?

any clue why running these problems? thanks!


update: changed state parameter in uri state_string , stopped saying linking failed, not saying successful either:

enter image description here

does mean successful if above message?

you misconfigured redirect url.

currently user redirected url:

google oauth required format like:

you can test oauth endpoint oauth playground configuration. after granting access application should see oauth playground again step 2 being activated. can review token retrieved activating "step 1's resultaccess token retrieved".


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