mysql - Spark DataFrame InsertIntoJDBC - TableAlreadyExists Exception -

using spark 1.4.0, trying insert data spark dataframe memsql database (which should interacting mysql database) using insertintojdbc(). keep getting runtime tablealreadyexists exception.

first create memsql table this:

create table if not exists table1 (id int auto_increment primary key, val int); 

then create simple dataframe in spark , try insert memsql this:

val df = sc.parallelize(array(123,234)).todf.todf("val") //df: org.apache.spark.sql.dataframe = [val: int]  df.insertintojdbc("jdbc:mysql://172.17.01:3306/test?user=root", "table1", false)  java.lang.runtimeexception: table table1 exists. 

this solution applies general jdbc connections, although answer @wayne better solution memsql specifically.

insertintojdbc seems have been deprecated of 1.4.0, , using calls write.jdbc().

write() returns dataframewriter object. if want append data table have change save mode of object "append".

another issue example in question above dataframe schema didn't match schema of target table.

the code below gives working example spark shell. using spark-shell --driver-class-path mysql-connector-java-5.1.36-bin.jar start spark-shell session.

import  val prop = new properties()  prop.put("user", "root") prop.put("password", "")    val df = sc.parallelize(array((1,234), (2,1233))).todf.todf("id", "val")    val dfwriter = df.write.mode("append")   dfwriter.jdbc("jdbc:mysql://172.17.01:3306/test", "table1", prop)  


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