python - Why aren't my arguments being passed to the parameters? -

project dealing functions , making main function.

control rest of functions.

wall = 112 paint = 1 work = 8 premier = 20.50 generic = 10.75 labor_c = 12.75  print('welcome a&pm painting co. how may today?''\n') def paint_job():     space = float(input('what measurement of area' +\                        ' want painted? '))     gallon(space)     labor()     paint_cost()     labor_chrg()     tot_cost() 

all functions called

def gallon(space):     global final     final = space / wall     print('\n''the gallons of paint required ' +\           'job is', format(final, '.1f'),'gallons''\n')  def labor():     global job     job = final * work     print('the hours of labor required this' +\           ' job is', format(job, '.1f'),'hours''\n')  def paint_cost():     ask = input('would use premier or generic paint? ')     if ask == "premier":         prem_cost = final * premier         print('the cost of paint total ' +\               'to be', format(prem_cost, '.2f'),'dollars''\n')         labor_chrg(prem_cost)     else:         gene_cost = final * generic         print('the cost of paint total ' +\               'to be', format(gene_cost, '.2f'),'dollars''\n')         labor_chrg(gene_cost) 

whether he/she wants premier or generic paint.

def labor_chrg(arg):     paint_c = arg     job = final * work     l_charge = job * labor_c     print('the charge of labor done total ' +\           'to be', format(l_charge, '.2f'),'dollars''\n')     tot_cost(paint_c, labor_c)  def tot_cost(paint_c, labor_c):     paint_c1 = paint_c     labor_c1 = labor_c     p_cost = final * paint_c1     l_charge = job * labor_c1     total = p_cost + l_charge     print('the total cost of project requested ' +\           'will be', format(total, '.2f'),'dollars''\n') 

finished calculating total cost.


i having hard time trying figure out why args not being passed params properly. can tell me going wrong?

you need input these functions:

labor_chrg() tot_cost() 


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