xml - How to configure OAuth with Goodreads in Clojure -

i trying configure oauth use access data goodreads api using clojure , compojure framework. want list of firends goodreads member has. should mention new clojure , new oauth , in general api authentication appreciate if explained possible.

i tried find answer online unable find 1 me many sites deal specific oauth api configurations , seem differ api api in terms of configuring access oauth. furthermore not many of them use clojure explain oauth api configuration , differ in terms of required specific api access. goodreads api page not helpful either. found answer this question , tried use template configure oauth access goodreads api. uses clj-oauth tried use in combination answer above mentioned question since replacing data answer question goodreads addresses didn't work. have returns 401 error , have no idea doing wrong:

(def okey "goodreads-key")  (def osecret "goodreads-secret")  (def consumer (oauth/make-consumer okey                                    osecret                                    "http://www.goodreads.com/oauth/request_token"                                    "http://www.goodreads.com/oauth/access_token"                                    "http://www.goodreads.com/oauth/authorize"                                    :hmac-sha1))  (def request-token (oauth/request-token consumer nil))  (oauth/user-approval-uri consumer                           (:oauth_token request-token))  (def access-token-response (oauth/access-token consumer                                                 request-token                                                nil))  (defn test-get []   (let [credentials (oauth/credentials consumer                                        (:oauth_token access-token-response)                                        (:oauth_token_secret access-token-response)                                        :get                                        "https://www.goodreads.com/friend/user/user-id-number?format=xml")]     (http/get "https://www.goodreads.com/friend/user/user-id-number?format=xml" {:query-params credentials}))) 

the clj-oauth says in client example there should callback-uri in request-token , verifier in access-token-response, since not familiar oauth put nil there.

the answer above question doesn't use following lines code:

(def request-token (oauth/request-token consumer nil))  (oauth/user-approval-uri consumer                           (:oauth_token request-token))  (def access-token-response (oauth/access-token consumer                                                 request-token                                                nil)) 

and subsequently doesn't use "http://www.goodreads.com/oauth/request_token" "http://www.goodreads.com/oauth/access_token" "http://www.goodreads.com/oauth/authorize" addresses in consumer nor use (:oauth_token access-token-response) (:oauth_token_secret access-token-response) in test-get, instead replaces values nil, since didn't work tried combine example mentioned on clj-oauth github page mentioned above, still doesn't work.

i trying xml response of member's list of friends goodreads api , configuring appreciated.

so project.clj looks this:

:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]                  [clj-oauth "1.5.2"]                  [clj-http "1.1.2"]] 

sample code:

(ns scratch.core   (:require [oauth.client :as oauth]             [clj-http.client :as http]))  (def consumer-key "your_key") (def consumer-secret "your_secret")  ;step 1: create oath consumer object (def consumer (oauth/make-consumer consumer-key                                    consumer-secret                                    "https://www.goodreads.com/oauth/request_token"                                    "https://www.goodreads.com/oauth/access_token"                                    "https://www.goodreads.com/oauth/authorize"                                    :hmac-sha1)) ;step 2: create request token.  these can used once.  expire well. (def request-token (oauth/request-token consumer nil))  ;step 3:  have goodreads user approve application.  can approve application visting url ; produced call below. (oauth/user-approval-uri consumer                          (:oauth_token request-token))  ;step 4:  once goodreads user has approved application, can exchange request token access token. ;an access token per-user.  goodreads in particular issue 1 per user, don not lose access token. (def access-token-response (oauth/access-token consumer                                                request-token                                                nil))  ;step 5: user id of user approved application. ;you can parse user id out this.  used clojure.zip, clojure.data.zip.xml, , clojure.data.xml parse out. (defn get-user-id []   (let [url "https://www.goodreads.com/api/auth_user"         credentials (oauth/credentials consumer                                        (:oauth_token access-token-response)                                        (:oauth_token_secret access-token-response)                                        :get                                        url)]     (http/get url {:query-params credentials})))  (get-user-id)  ;step 6: friends of user. (defn get-friends [user-id]   (let [url (str "https://www.goodreads.com/friend/user/" user-id)         params {:format "xml"}         credentials (oauth/credentials consumer                                        (:oauth_token access-token-response)                                        (:oauth_token_secret access-token-response)                                        :get                                        url                                        params)]     (http/get url {:query-params (merge credentials params)})))  (get-friends <a user id>) 


ok reran exact code above (redacted api keys , user id) , 100% sure works. highly recommend creating throwaway goodreads account test with.

here screenshot of successful request


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