c# - Can you create a not-defined enum value in Java, like in .NET? -

i don't have experience in java compared .net. in .net, enums treated thin wrappers on integers, can create enum value unnamed. example:

// c# code public enum colors { red, green, blue }  console.writeline(colors.red + " " + colors.green + " " + colors.blue); // red green blue  var unknown = (colors)(-1); console.writeline(unknown); // -1 

is possible same thing in java?

edit: seems case fact code won't compile:

// java code enum colors { r, g, b }  static int f(colors c) {     switch (c) {         case r: return 1;         case g: return 2;         case b: return 3;     } // compiler complains missing return statement } 

java implements enums differently c#: rather making them thin wrapper on ints, makes them thin wrappers around objects, compiler-aided improvement on type-safe enum pattern.

compiler ensures not possible create instance of enum not included in type.

there advantages , disadvantages each approach. c# stays closer c , c++ enums, behave collections of named numeric constants. makes possible create [flag] enumerations - not possible java enums.

on other hand, java enums working objects, complete methods of own, , ability implement interfaces. methods can added c# enums extensions, not possible implement interface.


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