php - fetch values from database and display result in array -

i have cart table looks

id  catid  catname  userid  productid  prodimg  prodname   prodsize   prodcost  quantity    datee       timee     totalamount 1    1      cn1      1        1         abc       p1        small       10        1        3/10/2015    10:00am      10        2    1      cn1      1        1         abc       p1        medium      20        1        4/10/2015    10:00am      20   3    1      cn1      1        1         abc       p1        large       30        1        3/10/2015    10:00am      30   4    1      cn1      1        1         abc       p1        perpiece    5         1        3/10/2015    10:00am      5    5    1      cn1      1        2         cdf       p2        small       6         1        3/10/2015    10:00am      6        6    1      cn1      1        2         cdf       p2        large       14        1        4/10/2015    10:00am      14   7    1      cn1      2        1         abc       p1        small       10        2        3/10/2015    10:00am      20         

i wish display data in array (according userid )in particular manner, resulting array want this

array (     [0] => array         (             [catid] => 1             [catname] => cn1             [userid] => 1             [productid] => 1             [prodimg] => abc             [prodname] => p1             [prodsize] => array                 (                     [0] => small                     [1] => medium                     [2] => large                     [3] => perpiece                 )             [prodcost] => array                 (                     [0] => 10                     [1] => 20                     [2] => 30                     [3] => 5                 )                [quantity] => array                 (                     [0] => 1                     [1] => 1                     [2] => 1                     [3] => 1                 )             [datee] => array                 (                     [0] => 3/10/2015                     [1] => 4/10/2015                     [2] => 3/10/2015                     [3] => 3/10/2015                 )             [timee] => array                 (                     [0] => 10:00am                     [1] => 10:00am                     [2] => 10:00am                     [3] => 10:00am                 )                [totalamount] => array                 (                     [0] => 10                     [1] => 20                     [2] => 30                     [3] => 5                 )         )      [1] => array         (             [catid] => 1             [catname] => cn1             [userid] => 1             [productid] => 2             [prodimg] => cdf             [prodname] => p2             [prodsize] => array                 (                     [0] => small                     [1] => 0                     [2] => large                     [3] => 0                 )             [prodcost] => array                 (                     [0] => 6                     [1] => 0                     [2] => 14                     [3] => 0                 )                [quantity] => array                 (                     [0] => 1                     [1] => 0                     [2] => 1                     [3] => 0                 )             [datee] => array                 (                     [0] => 3/10/2015                     [1] => 0                     [2] => 4/10/2015                     [3] => 0                 )             [timee] => array                 (                     [0] => 10:00am                     [1] => 0                     [2] => 10:00am                     [3] => 0                 )                [totalamount] => array                 (                     [0] => 6                     [1] => 0                     [2] => 14                     [3] => 0                 )         ) )     

code used is

$userid = $_request['userid'];  $sql= "select catid, catname, productid, prodimg, group_concat(prodsize order id asc) prodsize,  group_concat(prodcost order id asc) prodcost, group_concat(quantity order id asc) quantity, group_concat(datee order id asc) datee,  group_concat(timee order id asc) timee,        group_concat(totalamount order id asc) totalamount   cart userid ='$userid'";          $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);         if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0)              {                 while($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))                      {                         echo "<pre>";                         print_r($result);                         echo "</pre>";                     }             } 

but didnt show array in way wanted, showed following array

array (     [0] => array         (             [catid] => 1             [catname] => cn1             [productid] => 1             [prodimg] => abc             [prodsize] => small,medium,large             [prodcost] => 10,20,30             [quantity] => 1,1,1,1             [datee] => 3/10/2015,4/10/2015,3/10/2015,3/10/2015             [timee] => 10:00am,10:00am,10:00am,10:00am             [totalamount] => 10,20,30,5         )  ) 

can please tell how array in correct manner. 1 more important aspect of array array within prodsize should fixed, i.e if prod size small stored in [0], medium in [1], large in[2] , perpiece in[3], if 1 of these values not present should 0 , prodcost, quantity datee , timee follow same method

i think need al algorithm reformat results database. can see want concatenated results , separate them in independent array keys.

i haven't been able try it, suspect might or might not need $i index allocate elements. try both.

here's way might achieve that:

$formatedresult = []; $i = 0; while($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))  {     $formatedresult = $result;     $formatedresult[$i]['prodsize'] = explode(',', $result[$i]['prodsize']);     $formatedresult[$i]['prodcost'] = explode(',', $result[$i]['prodcost']);     $formatedresult[$i]['quantity'] = explode(',', $result[$i]['quantity']);     $formatedresult[$i]['datee'] = explode(',', $result[$i]['datee']);     $formatedresult[$i]['timee'] = explode(',', $result[$i]['timee']);     $formatedresult[$i]['totalamount'] = explode(',', $result[$i]['totalamount']);     //repeat other elements similar formating     $i++; }  echo '<pre>'; print_r($formatedresult); //now shows array want echo '</pre>'; 


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