php - Can't get Laravel 4.2 to hash my passwords -

i've hashed passwords many times can't seem work on client's site.

here controller:

class listingcontroller extends basecontroller   {   public function create() {      return view::make('listing.listing'); }  public function store() {     $validator = validator::make($data = input::all(), listing::$rules, listing::$messages);     if ($validator->fails())     {         return redirect::back()->witherrors($validator)->withinput();     }      $data['passsword'] = hash::make(input::get('password'));      listing::create($data);      return redirect::to('/success')->with('message', 'thank you, listing has been submitted.'); } } 

and portion of form dealing password:

<div class="form-group">                 {{form::password('password', ['class' => 'form-control', 'placeholder' =>     'password', 'tabindex' => '11'])}} </div> 

am blind? have missed something? appreciated!


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