javascript - AngularJS - How to generate a random and unique numeric id and assign it to a parameter in a different scope? -

in code, need generate random , numeric id , assign parameter "id" in different scope ( = {id = "the random id"};) being new angular, have no clue how this!

first need generate it, best set function in service or in $rootscope.

with way can call service function or $rootscope.

first generate numeric id (updated function refer post )

create guid / uuid in javascript?

i show example service :

(function () { 'use strict';

angular     .module('your module app name')     .factory('guidservice', guidservice);  guidservice.$inject = ['$rootscope'];  function partenairesservice($rootscope) {     var service = {           getguid: getguid,     };      return service;      /*     * return numeric unik id of 16 chr.     */     function getguid() {   function s4() {     return math.floor((1 + math.random()) * 0x10000);   }   return s4() + ''+ s4() + '' + s4() + '' + s4() + '' +     s4() ; }     }  })(); 

to use service function in controller scope, inject service (guidservice)

and call guidservice.getguid();


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